You Always Have A Choice!!!
You always have a choice! If you think about it, you always have a choice. No matter how hard it is to accept, but you always have a choice…
Agile and the Unwelcome Change
He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery. ~Harold Wilson…
Agile and the KRA Conundrum
Life can be pulled by goals just as surely as it can be pushed by drives. -Viktor E. Frankl…
The Agile Fairy Tale
And the team continued to deliver working software every two weeks, happily ever after… A nice fairy tale ending…
Process Standardization, Metrics, Agility et al.
Information Technology organizations strive to create and maintain standardized processes that represent the organization’s unique identity, culture, geography, business domain, technology focus and people. An organization understandably evolves its own culture, but this culture varies with geographies, projects, teams and floors…
Agile: Is Mindset Shift Really Required?
The story goes like this. Someone higher in the organization’s ladder decides to adopt agile in some teams. This manager has earlier worked in an agile environment and has seen the benefits…